Join us

Congratulations for making the time to read this far. Curiosity is commendable. As Albert Einstein once said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”

Saunders Havill Group is seeking the next generation of professionals to take our business to new and ambitious heights. Our story thus far is one of longevity and a great reputation for quality and talent, but we admit that we could improve in areas such as website design and marketing our business purpose.  

However, we remain committed to serving the innovators, visionaries, and creators of the Australian built environment and making a better world for today and tomorrow. 

At SHG, we believe that our purpose each day is to make life better for our people and our projects, with a focus on health, wealth, and the ability to pursue our passions.  

We are drawn to solving the complex problems of building affordability, environmental sustainability, and human-first community development, particularly as Southeast Queensland experiences a step change in population size and sustainable living challenges over the next twenty years. 

Our formula for tackling these problems is collaboration plus integration equals innovation. We bring people around the table and leverage our collective knowledge to find solutions.  

We have used our pathways to deliver fantastic outcomes for clients for decades, creating value for stakeholders, and building a sustainable community. We are also committed to building great working lives for our staff, with a focus on self-drive, two-way mentorship, and life balance. 

We believe that work doesn’t have to be a four-letter word and that work, and life are not mutually exclusive. We are growing a team of purpose-driven professionals with the ability to develop fantastic careers and make a difference together. Our network of clients, government, and other likeminded businesses has led to great friendships and a collaborative approach to problem-solving. 

As Sir Richard Branson once said, “Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” We want people who are drawn to joining a deep source of industry knowledge, working with a group of professionals already known for quality and expertise, and building their individual and collective reputation. 

At SHG, we are proudly committed to ongoing improvement and engaging with technologies and knowledge systems that leverage creativity, knowledge, and expertise. We invite likeminded, purpose-driven professionals to come together, learn, and grow their personal careers. 

We believe that the only credible answer to solving tomorrow’s complex problems is together. Come join us in building a better world for today and tomorrow. 

Saunders Havill Group have current opportunities for the following positions:

  • Surveying Assistant
  • Graduate Surveyor
  • Surveyor
  • Senior Surveyor
  • Cadastral Surveyor
  • Senior Cadastral Surveyor
  • Town Planner
  • Senior Town Planner
  • Urban Designer
  • Graduate GIS Officer
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Senior Environmental Scientist
  • Project Landscape Architect
  • Senior Landscape Architect

We are continually assessing opportunities for purpose led professionals to expand our value to the community. If your desired position is not currently listed above, please register and we can explore the new pathway together.

Express your interest joining the SHG team by submitting your details below

Alternatively, connect with us by phone: Sharon Ramsden – (07) 3251 9461

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    Tell us about yourself
