

Understanding ADAC Requirements Critical in Achieving Development Milestones

Following extensive changes in ‘Asset Design and As Constructed‘ (ADAC) requirements at the end of 2016 by City of Gold Coast, primarily in regards to landscape data, effective delivery of this as-constructed information has become critical in achieving development milestones.

Utilising and adopting the existing skills and expertise of the Surveying department within Saunders Havill Group (which already has extensive experience in compiling as-constructed data for development sites within Queensland), our Landscape Architecture team was able to quickly develop skills in the latest ADAC requirements and was noted as one of the first consultancies to be delivering fully compliant ADAC XML documentation in accordance with City of Gold Coast’s latest guidelines.

ADAC XML is a data format which covers a wide range of as-constructed data “Assets”. It has been adopted as a standard by most local governments and water authorities within South East Queensland, to transfer information into their databases and mapping systems.

Through ongoing applications and internal review, Saunders Havill Group has expanded on the abilities of the available ADAC software and has allowed a much quicker and smoother delivery of as-constructed documentation for all local governments, assisting clients in achieving on-maintenance requirements and subsequent bond releases.

For additional information how a smoother ADAC delivery on your project can result in quicker maintenance approvals and bond releases, please do not hesitate to contact Saunders Havill Group.